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Living Will & Durable Power of Attorney Forms 

Ness County Hospital makes these forms available, but patients are welcome to use Advance Directive forms from other sources. Ness County Hospital respects your right to make your own medical treatment decisions. In order to help you exercise this right, we offer the following information: 

What are "Advance Directives"? 
Advance Directives are documents that state a patient's choice about treatment including decisions like refusing treatment, being placed on life-support, and stopping treatment at a point the patient chooses. It also includes requesting life-sustaining treatment if that is wanted. 

Right to Choose 
Medical treatment decisions are a matter of personal choice. We are committed to providing each patient or patient's legal representative with the information he or she needs to understand and consider the options available under state law, but the decision whether or not to act is always up to you

Compliance with State Law 
We will ensure that we are in compliance with the requirements of state law, whether statutory or as set forth in applicable court cases, on the subject of informed consent to medical treatment and the formulation of Advance Directives by our patients. 


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